Edinburgh Fringe Double Preview (Downie/Gee) Tickets

Dragonfly Cocktail Bar, Edinburgh.

Featuring Daniel Downie and Viv Gee! 2 shows for the price of 1!
Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
ENTRY TICKET £8.80 (£8.00)

Includes entry to both shows listed at this time


More information about Edinburgh Fringe Double Preview (Downie/Gee) tickets

It's Edinburgh Fringe season once more, and we have two dynamite acts doing one last run through of their show before the Fringe kicks off!

'Freedom an' whisky gang thegither' (Robert Burns). Award-winning Scottish comedian Daniel Downie is a self-confessed whisky baw-bag. Indulge him for an hour as he delves into the fascinating and hilarious history and stories around one of his greatest passions, whisky. This is is his show about drams and dramas – the two after all often go hand-in-hand! 'Downie is masterful at holding up a mirror to what it means to be Scottish' (Scotsman). 'Left me laughing, thinking, and desperate to reread a book I stuck on the shelf year ago' (Kate Copstick).
A trawl through the bemused and bewildered mind of a middle-aged teenager coming to terms with aging, technology and reading glasses. After selling out her front two rows last year, Viv Gee returns with her brand-new stand-up show with a title she used ten years ago when she was too young to know she wasn't that old. Catch her before she's too old to do it again. So You Think You're Funny finalist and BBC New Comer finalist last century. 'Another hit' (Skinny). 'So sharp she could cut herself' (Edinburgh Evening News). ‘Unforgettable' (Scotsman).
Come on down, order a cocktail at the bar and head upstairs for the best value comedy show in (Old) Town!
Bar opens 4.00pm, show starts 8.00pm sharp. Show finishes approx. 10.00pm.
Ticket price covers entry to both shows.  Both shows will last between 45-60 minutes with a break in between.
Break provided for refreshments and comfort. Bar is open until closing time.
This show is for 18+, sorry. No refunds if younger than this.