Edinburgh Fringe Double Preview (McTernan/Hammer) Tickets

Dragonfly Cocktail Bar, Edinburgh.

Featuring Joe McTernan and Kate Hammer! 2 shows for the price of 1!
Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
ENTRY TICKET £8.80 (£8.00)

Includes entry to both shows listed at this time


More information about Edinburgh Fringe Double Preview (McTernan/Hammer) tickets

It's Edinburgh Fringe season once more, and we have two dynamite acts doing one last run through of their show before the Fringe kicks off!

After a complete sell-out run in 2023, the Scottish comedian and viral sensation who has 50+million views online is back with a brand-new show or even a brand-new Joe. Single for the first time in 10 years, join Joe for a high-energy, hysterical look at trying to move on after your route is diverted. As seen on BBC's The Comedy Underground and Edinburgh Unlocked, and co-creator of the online (Scottish Comedy Award-winning) sitcom MUFF alongside Daniel Sloss. 'I was crying with laughter pretty much throughout the entire performance' ***** (ThreeWeeks).
Kate Hammer: Double Virgin on the Rocks (With a Twist) is a rambunctious dissection of the different names we call ourselves throughout life. From growing up on a goat farm in the middle of nowhere to using a fake name in school, to claiming a mostly real one later on – each time period comes with unique medical complaints, societal gripes, and impressively-flexible physical comedy. Meet the wildly different versions of Kate Hammer, or as her friends call it, a regular day. www.katethehammer.com
Come on down, order a cocktail at the bar and head upstairs for the best value comedy show in (Old) Town!
Bar opens 4.00pm, show starts 8.00pm sharp. Show finishes approx. 10.00pm.
Ticket price covers entry to both shows.  Both shows will last between 45-60 minutes with a break in between.
Break provided for refreshments and comfort. Bar is open until closing time.
This show is for 18+, sorry. No refunds if younger than this.