GreenStage Presents - GWYD ION Tickets

Cafe Kino, Bristol.

Event starts at 19:30 and is held in Cafe Kino basement venue.
Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity

More information about GreenStage Presents - GWYD ION tickets

In one of our favourite venues Cafe Kino our next live gig presenting Welsh artist GWYD ION!
Join us for night of fun music and performances from

If Tash Sultana and Tom Misch raised a kid in Wales you’d get GWYD ION, Tirianwen and Gary Clarke Jnr are also present in the sound of this bilingual artist who blends soulful singing with blues and soul-inspired guitar. His set is a combination of layered improvisational guitar and vocals, reworked classics, and his own Welsh language songs. Gwyd Ion moved to Bristol in 2017 and fell in love with the city, but is now based in Cardiff. You may have seen him busk on the harbourside as he spent countless crafting songs out in the open.

Kalieda Wild 
Kaleida Wild, A collective from Bristol, bringing to the stage a universal sound. Drawing inspiration in colour, their music is energetic and honest, blending influences, backgrounds, and experiences to create unique performances that consistently captivate audiences. Their sound is influenced by artists such as Jimi Hendrix, John Legend, Olivia Dean, Nick Cave and Radiohead. In just one year, Kaleida Wild have organised seven major shows, each selling over 100 tickets in some of Bristol's iconic music venues including Exchange and The Louisiana. 

Max Sloan
A Singer Songwrirer from Northern Ireland, Playing Indie Folk music inspired by Bon Iver, Lizzy McAlpine and Matt Maltese.