Kent Pop Exchange: No TV and Friends Tickets

Where Else?, Margate.

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Where Else's The Kent Pop Exchange Presents


A band on a mission to bring “Modern Life & Dancing” to the masses, they inhabit that under-populated area of the venn diagram where dance & punk rock collide.

Cool Hot Rockers

Trans fronted punk rock slackers. Reclaiming British queerness back from Terf island. CHRockers offer up the on-stage equivalent of a holiday meal with the extended family; awkward, noisy, pedantic, politically charged, argumentative, messy and FILLED WITH LOVE

Death Star Laser Eye Surgery

Fresh from a short tour of Alderaan, Death Star Laser Eye Surgery bring their one-piece party rock show back to planet Margate. It's kinda like watching Beastie Boys have a midlife crisis.


--The Kent Pop Exchange is a live music showcase brought to you by the Where Else? community, platforming new sounds unearthed from Kent's underground music scene, with admission prices set at a rate accessible for all audiences.

As a community centred organisation made up of working class people, with The Kent Pop Exchange we strive to platform and elevate a diverse range of backgrounds, voices and perspectives, on and off the stage.